EPUB Converter [SOFTPEDIA EXCLUSIVE DISCOUNT: 15% OFF!] 1 0 2 Build 20120228 A professional piece of software designed to help users to easily convert CHM files to EPUB e-book.
Embed all images into Word document and no external files are required CHM-2-Word include many unique features: 1) Keep the format, styles and layout.. With CHM-2-Word, you can create Word document from CHM file easily without any HTML or CHM skills.. Just a mouse click, the Word document will be created in seconds The format and styles are kept.. From Macrobject CHM-2-Word will allow users to convert HTML Help to Word and also convert CHM to Doc.. The images are kept in the generated Word document And anything in the original CHM files are kept in the alone Word document.
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A powerful CHM convertor helping you to create Word document from HTML help Convert CHM files to perfect Word document without any HTML or CHM skills.. Keep the format/style/layout (include images and tables) of the original CHM file.. Keep format/style/layout of original document Create topic tree from Batch CHM TO DOC Converter, Batch CHM to PDF Converter.. Convert CHM files to perfect Word document without any HTML or CHM skills Make Word document from CHM file in seconds with a single click.. 13 105 239 Version 2007 13 105 239 includes unspecified updates Editor: Convert HTML Help to Word, Convert CHM to Doc, CHM Converter, Word Converter, Html Help Convertor. gta 4 unlocking code
The command line of CHM-2-Word can be used to generate Word document from CHM file automatically.. This is a powerful CHM converter helping you to create Word document from HTML help.. Version 2007 13 105 239 includes unspecified updates Full Specifications What's new in version 2007.. CHM Extractor and CHM Explorer - Convert CHM e-book to Doc - CHM-2-Word 2009 - Macrobject Software. Crack Internet Cafe 4.9.5
Embed all images into Word document and no external files are required Now you can forget your trouble and let CHM-2-Word serve you.. Nov 23, 2010 Convert Word to CHM, Doc To CHM, Create HTML Help from Word, Create ebook from Word.. Make Word document from CHM file in seconds with a single click Keep the format/style/layout (include images and tables) of the original CHM file.. CHM-2-Word is an application that can convert your CHM files into Word documents.. Aug 26th 2015, 21:52 GMT Windows 10 / Windows 8 / Windows 7 Macrobject CHM-2-Word Professional Download - Convert HTML Help to Word, Convert CHM to Doc, CHM Converter, Word Converter. cea114251b Aplikasi Mengunduh Foto Instagram Editor Untuk Laptop Di Iphone